Messages from Sam: A Daughter’s Insights on Our Lives Here – And Her Life in Heaven

Messages from Sam: A Daughter’s Insights on Our Lives Here – And Her Life in Heaven

by Beverly Holliday

What happens to our loved ones when they die? Can we communicate with them? How do they spend their time?

After her daughter, Sam, passed away, Beverly Holliday sought answers to these questions. Through divine guidance, she found professional mediums who helped her connect with her daughter on the other side. These dialogues comforted and healed Beverly while illuminating an existence beyond earthly life. She devoted several years to recording and transcribing her conversations with her daughter, with the mission of sharing Sam’s messages—to bring hope and comfort to others who are grieving or seeking guidance.

This true story offers a glimpse into Beverly’s life as the mother of a gentle, compassionate child who left this world unexpectedly. Throughout the book, Sam shares her insights about her time on earth and many fascinating and uplifting details about her life in heaven. These messages from Sam have dramatically changed Beverly’s view on life, the afterlife, and losing her child—transforming her grief into joy.

Selected praise:

“This is an author and a story you can trust. A fascinating, moving, and inspiring memoir about love, faith, and courage. This book taught me a lot about life after death—which, in turn, changed my life for the better.”  —T. R. Watson, novelist

“I think anyone who has experienced loss or wonders about what comes next should read this book. The overall tone of this book is uplifting and hopeful. I loved the short, easily digestible chapters that gave insight into Beverly’s life, as well as Sam’s (here and beyond). I have never heard of the afterlife described in the way Sam has communicated it. It is both intriguing and comforting.”  —Anna Marie

“This true story was both educational and inspirational. Loss is always hard, but this book gave me hope. I am grateful the author courageously shared her experiences and passed on the wisdom! My future seems so much brighter now.”  —Michael Lawrence

“This book has been therapeutic for me to read, as I’m still grieving the loss of a friend. Anyone who has lost someone can find something relatable in it. Highly recommend for women, mothers, daughters, and anyone grieving the loss of a loved one.”  —Staci Williams

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